Study finds cancer rates in children are increasing

Published on April 24, 2019.

A new study at the University of Minnesota found that cancer rates in children are increasing all over the world.

The study, led by Jenny Poynter, PhD, was funded in part by Children’s Cancer Research Fund. It found that incidences of leukemia, certain brain tumors, neuroblastoma and hepatoblastoma have all increased in children under the age of 5. The study specifically focused on the rising rates of hepatoblastoma, a liver cancer, in young children.

Here are the study’s major findings:

  • Hepatoblastoma is now the fastest rising cancer in children under 5.
  • Hepatoblastoma had a largest increase in incidence in 11 out of 15 regions (the increases ranged from 1.9 to 6.5 percent per year).
  • Hepatoblastoma incidence increased in all regions except southern Asia.
  • Further research is needed to understand the causes of hepatoblastoma.

Childhood cancers are extremely difficult to treat because researchers don't know what causes them or why rates are increasing. CCRF aims to close this knowledge gap by funding the most promising research projects that will make the biggest difference for children with cancer.

To learn more about the research CCRF has funded, check out our research updates below:

Creating a Clearer Picture of Hepatoblastoma

Cell, Gene and Immunotherapy – Exciting Progress and New Hope

New Clinical Trial Aims to Tackle Deadliest of Brain Tumors

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