Helping Improve Life for Germ Cell Tumors Survivors

Published on September 21, 2017.

Your support is helping improve life for survivors of germ cell tumors.

Though children who have been diagnosed with germ cell tumors tend to have high survival rates, doctors do not know much about the toxicity of current treatments and how they affect survivors later in life. Germ cell tumors affect 600 children and young adults every year in the United States, and that number keeps rising, meaning there are and will be more germ cell tumor survivors than ever before.

How your donation helps:

Jenny Poynter, MPH, PhD, plans to use CCRF funding to contact 100 families to document their experiences with germ cell tumor treatment and whether survivors had any health issues. Once Poynter collects this information, she will be able to determine the feasibility of conducting a larger follow-up study on potential late effects ranging from secondary cancers to hearing loss and infertility.