Target partners with Children’s Cancer Research Fund

Since 2011, Target Corporation has raised over $1.97 million for children’s cancer research. You can join Target in the fight against childhood cancer by donating to CCRF.
The partnership with CCRF
Target Corporation has been a generous supporter of CCRF and has used their national platform to spread awareness for childhood cancer research through community fundraisers and other initiatives. With Target’s support, CCRF can continue the fight against childhood cancer.
Target's impact on childhood cancer
Since 1994, the Target Foundation has raised over $1.96 million in donations and various research grants that support the top scientists in researching childhood cancer. Target Corporation has also shown great support to Children’s Cancer Research Fund by supporting events like Dream, an event hosted by CCRF to celebrate scientists researching childhood cancer and listen to stories of the impact that has already been made.
You can make a difference, too.
Partner with us
Join Target by supporting Children’s Cancer Research Fund. If you’re interested in partnering with us, learn more about our corporate partnership opportunities and reach out so we can talk to you about how we can support your goals.