Mixbook partners with Children’s Cancer Research Fund

Since 2021, Mixbook has raised more than $19,000 for childhood cancer research. You can join Mixbook by supporting CCRF.
The partnership with CCRF
When Mixbook, a photo and design company that allows customers to design customized photo books and other printed keepsakes, decided to partner with Children’s Cancer Research Fund in 2021, they wanted to go above and beyond a typical partnership.
They began in September, which is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, by creating the CCRF Collection. The collection featured special photo books to help childhood cancer families look back on their cancer experience and help survivors tell their own cancer stories. Mixbook helped several families create these books, providing not only the platform to create gorgeous photo keepsakes but also an opportunity for parents and kids to talk about what they’ve been through and how far they’ve come.
Mixbook’s impact on childhood cancer
“It really did my heart so much good to make the Mixbook for Wyatt. It’s very interesting as he gets older to revisit those pictures and what different times mean to him now.” – Whitney, Wyatt’s mom
Mixbook supported better, safer treatments for kids fighting cancer by donating 100% of sales from the CCRF Collection in September to Children’s Cancer Research Fund and 5% of sales through the end of 2021.
You can make a difference, too.
Partner with us
Join Mixbook by supporting Children’s Cancer Research Fund. If you’re interested in partnering with us, learn more about our corporate partnership opportunities and reach out so we can talk to you about how we can support your goals.