14th Annual 140 Invitational Golf Tournament

Published on February 22, 2018.
140 Golfer

For Lube-Tech, supporting childhood cancer research is a passion shared by their entire team. “Our friends and family believe in the work that Children’s Cancer Research Fund has done and continues to do,” said Amy Jo Van Culin, philanthropy manager at Lube-Tech. “There is power when individuals come together to make a difference.”

2017 marked the company’s 14th annual 140 Invitational Golf Tournament. Since the event’s inception, more than $1.8 million has been raised for research. What started out as a few employees and friends passing the hat at a casual golf game has turned into one of the Twin Cities’ most profitable golf tournaments. The relationship has since evolved into a fully integrated engagement opportunity for Lube-Tech.

“The engagement and activation of the Lube-Tech partnership is exactly what we are looking for in prospective partners. They have truly embraced the mission of CCRF and woven our cause into their fabric as a company. It has been inspiring to see this partnership grow year after year,” says Jim Leighton, Children’s Cancer Research Fund vice president of events and partnerships.

In addition to the golf tournament, Lube-Tech employees have given back by volunteering at the Care Partners Dinner Program, hosted at the University of Minnesota Masonic Children’s Hospital. It’s initiatives like the Dinner Program and Sibshops, as well as CCRF’s advocacy for childhood cancer research and survivors, that drive Lube-Tech’s support.

“The partnership between Lube-Tech and CCRF is exactly what we look for in philanthropic connections,” said Van Culin. “We have so many chances to engage employees and support CCRF’s mission throughout the year.”

For more information about partnership opportunities, please reach out to Patrick Martin at pmartin@childrenscancer.org.