"A place to gather with family and friends."
Katie's Kin-The Porch
Current total raised:
The Hageboeck Family

Each summer of Katie Hageboeck’s life, she and her family headed “Up North” to their cabin in northern Minnesota – a place where countless relatives from many generations have gathered to spend their summers for over 90 years. A trip to the cabin meant time to relax, play with cousins, swim in the lake, catch a fish and hang out on the screened porch – the epicenter of the cabin. The family’s porch is the place around which cabin life revolves. It is a safe place. A place to gather with family and friends. A place to hold a celebration or a sleepover. A place to relax, play a game or read a story. A place to eat popcorn, listen to the loons, watch fireworks and the sunset. A place to hang out. A place to reflect.
"The Porch" at Katie's Clinic
Construction begins fall 2022

When Katie’s Clinic was being designed, a fundraising opportunity for the patient and family lounge presented itself and Katie’s extended family jumped at the chance to fund the space. The family named this area “The Porch” in honor of Katie and all the wonderful memories that were created at the cabin over the years. Today the porches and cabins in Katie’s family are still creating memories and are still the places of many sleepovers, celebrations and reflection. Places filled with the sounds of lake life. Inviting spaces to honor Katie's life, while passing traditions on to the next generation.
Katie’s cousin Sara Hageboeck Maas shared, “Katie’s family wanted to make sure the waiting area felt safe and cozy like our porch – a space where kids and families can take a deep breath while waiting for their name to be called. We hope The Porch brings a little bit of peace and a slight respite during their visits to Katie’s Clinic.”
This page exists to share updates related to The Porch and track funds being raised to support Katie's Clinic and Innovation Fund at MHealth Fairview Masonic Children's Hospital. "Katie's Kin" includes many of her immediate and extended family members and friends who have become family.
For any questions please reach out to Katrina Starzec from CCRF at kstarzec@childrenscancer.org.
Thanks to our donors
Sara and Jason Maas
Anne Higgins
Jay and Laura Higgins
Bill Hageboeck
Betsy and Mark Schill
John and Nancy Gildner
Doug and Gretchen Gildner
Jon and Kristin Harvey
Brandon and Rachel Olson
Linda Kaiser