Your Impact
Your support truly has an impact on children fighting cancer. In fact, for every dollar you donate to Children’s Cancer Research Fund, researchers who receive our grants are able to secure an average of $18 in additional funding from the government and other sources - meaning your donation is an investment that grows over time to improve the lives of kids fighting cancer.
Annual Report
View our full Annual Report to see the progress you have made possible for children fighting cancer.
When it comes to beating childhood cancer, it takes all of us.
Donor support is critical to research advances. You’ve made this progress possible.

You give kids an outlet for their creativity.
Because of you, CCRF partners with musician and virtual reality artist James Orrigo to create Big Dreams Tour, a program that empowers kids fighting cancer to be creative and preserve their legacy through music, animation and virtual reality experiences. Big Dreams Tour is free to families because of your generosity.
“It was amazing to be creating in another world. It was like being somewhere you’ve never been before, and it was so realistic. It was a thrill!”
- Big Dreams Tour participant

You give kids fighting cancer life-changing experiences that allow them to escape from the world of cancer.
With your support, CCRF opened Camp Norden, a camp specifically for kids who have or have had cancer to connect and have a memorable summer camp experience. You’ve made it possible for Camp Norden to be free to families.
“It’s just easier to make friends with people here, especially because they have the same things going on that you do.”
- Camp Norden camper

You’re giving hope to families fighting rare brain tumors.
You made it possible for researchers to use cells from a child’s rare brain tumor to test against hundreds of drugs, revealing several promising candidates that could become a lifesaving new treatment for ETMR, a type of brain tumor that has a less than 30% survival rate.

You helped researchers discover 16 new targets to kill osteosarcoma in record time.
Osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer, has been around since the dinosaurs. But with concentrated effort, especially through the Zach Sobiech Osteosarcoma Fund, your gifts supercharged the field of osteosarcoma research and helped scientists discover 16 new genetic targets in just five years. Now that these targets are identified, researchers have begun to test existing drugs that can hit these targets and destroy osteosarcoma. One of these drugs is in clinical trial right now, and aims to improve survival rates of kids with osteosarcoma who have relapsed.

You are pushing a lifesaving treatment for rare leukemia across the finish line.
For a rare form of acute myeloid leukemia, the survival rate is dismal - just 8-14%. Even if chemotherapy, stem cell transplant or blood or marrow transplant work initially, children with this type of leukemia are at extremely high risk of relapse. But because of you, a renowned researcher will have the funds to take his lifesaving idea from the lab to a clinical trial – a trial that could give a future to kids who don’t know if they’ll get to celebrate their next birthday.
And you’ve done plenty more – read about our most recent research updates here.

We depend on you to keep research moving forward.
When you donate to Children’s Cancer Research Fund or start a fundraiser, you help researchers prove their ideas are worth pursuing, making it easier to get large government grants. This means your generosity isn’t a one-time gift – it’s an investment, and its impact grows over time.