Choosing Strength

Published on June 21, 2018

As I reach the end of my battle with leukemia, I look back and see how I have developed over two years of fighting. I have changed in character, attitude and most importantly, my faith. Battling cancer helped me see other peoples’ suffering in a new way because I experienced my own terrible pain.

Before my diagnosis I was cheerful but short-tempered. I could get mad quickly when my three older brothers tried to have fun with me. Through my battle I learned to keep my cool (mostly because I didn’t have the energy to get mad) because my experience in the hospital would only get worse if I didn’t. Things did eventually get better through prayer and asking God for healing to make it through leukemia along with chemotherapy. Prayer brought me hope and hope brought me joy.

People have also inspired me and brought me hope through their overflowing kindness. People were always kind to me before my diagnosis but after it I felt even more care and love from them. It isn’t overwhelming, but it is enough to make me feel so very grateful for their support. If I could tell my sixth-grade self something for the hard-fought journey, I would tell him to be grateful for what he has and to choose the strength and will to win.

In the next year, I am very much looking forward to attending ninth grade at the Stillwater Area High School. I am a little nervous because it is such a big school, but I’m excited to join a variety of classes. Of course, most of all I am looking towards the set date of January 20, 2019 where I will have my last dose of chemo. I have seven monthly treatments left and I am excited to ditch chemo. Two years ago, I thought how far away January of 2019 was - now that it is within a year, I can’t wait to reach the end of this long, bumpy road.

Written by Danny Valerius

Danny was diagnosed with leukemia when he was in sixth grade. Now going into high school, Danny likes to play basketball and hang out with his three older brothers. To read more from Danny, check out his blog post, Darkness Showed Me How To Be Stronger. 

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